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Simple Self-Hypnosis Step by Step

Posted 22nd November, 2023

Self-Hypnosis Adventure - Unlock Your Inner Chill This Winter 

Stage 1: Set the Scene

Find the comfiest chair in a warm room, close your eyes, and imagine you're about to embark on a wonderful relaxing journey. Plant your feet like you're ready to let it all go and let your hands find their happy place on your lap or beside you.

Pause for a moment, like a wise wizard preparing to cast a spell, and let the calmness settle in. Channel your inner calmness and focus only on the word 'relaxation.'

Stage 2: Hypno-Breath Magic

Inhale deeply, hold it like you're about to dive into a pool of tranquility, and feel the tension in your chest. As you exhale, whisper the magic words "Sleep Now" in your mind. Do this three times, each time feeling your body slouching in the chair like a carefree rag doll. 

Take a moment to revel in the newfound serenity. If your eyes aren't closed yet, let them join the relaxation party.

Stage 3: Countdown to Wholesome Calm

In your mind, start a slow meandering countdown from ten to zero. Picture each number as a step toward the core of complete relaxation. Imagine a path of calmness transporting you to ultimate wholesome calmness.

Pause for a beat and feel the worldly energy settling you into an even deeper state of chill.

Stage 4: Positive Vibes Only

Now, it's affirmation time! Repeat phrases like “I now feel more happy, more positive, and more alive!”, “I am as calm as a cat in a sunbeam.” or simply, "I am relaxed and feel calm, comfortable and confident." Let the words dance in your mind, and imagine them as shooting stars of positivity.

Take a moment to soak in the good feelings. You’re now surfing the waves of tranquil serenity.

Stage 5: Hypno Awakening

Tell yourself, "On the count of five, my eyelids will flutter open." Count down with energy building up, and as you reach five, open your eyes with the enthusiasm of a superhero ready to tackle the world.

Breathe deeply, embracing the newfound tranquility, and look for ways to sprinkle your positive vibes on the world. Your adventure in self-hypnosis has just begun! 

Featured Photo Credit to Dave Salter at Burst ❤

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